Wednesday, April 21, 2010


How good does that food look it's fried mac and cheese. Any food that has the words cheese and fried in it must be amazing. Looking at these little pieces of Heaven on a plate makes me really hungry. And i ate this morning, but it jut looks so mouth watering. Yummy :D

This picture perfectly describes my relationship with cheesy delicious macaroni. oh how i wish i could eat this food everyday for every meal. In fact i wish i could eat it right now.

Hot Water Heater

So this morning when I walked down to my kitchen to have a nice peaceful breakfast when I discovered that everything was wet. Condensation covered the windows the doors and the ceiling. My dad and I figured it was just because it was warmer inside than out. However when he went downstairs to feed the cat he realized that everything downstairs was under an inch of water. As he investigated the basement looking for the cause of the leak he saw that somehow in the middle of the night the hot water heater had exploded. This leak was made worse when my mom took a shower this morning because the leak turned into a sprinkeler wetting not only the floor but everything around the heater. Unfortunatly this discovery was found at 6:45 and so i only had 15 minutes to get ready for school and my parents not realizing this had me running around the house looking for random objects that they needed. So as i frantically searched for my fathers old cell phone and the upstair phone i was shoving french toast sticks in my mouth. So much for a quiet peaceful morning. :(

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Grrrrr this picture refuses to get any bigger than it is. i know you as the reader probally has no idea what it is so i'll tell you it's Blues Clues mac and cheese. The coolest part about this mac and cheese is that the paw print shapes are blue. Whenever i think about shows like Blues Clues i always think about my little cousin Aiden. He is the cutest kid in the world. Aiden turned two in Febuary so he's at a fun age. He follows me around and hold my hand and calls me "Emawee". Aiden is really funny and when someone else gets a cut or falls down he cries and demands that the peron gets a boo boo bunny. those of you who do not know what a boo boo bunny is it's a towel shaped like a bunny with a pocket to put an ice cube. Aiden is soo cute,and now i miss him. :(

Thursday, April 15, 2010


As you may or may not know that dinosaurs are amazing. I am obsessed with dinosaurs and i sometimes wish that they were still around today.Not the mean ones like the T-rex can be alive because then everyone would be eaten but the triceratops a nice plant eater should be able to just walk around. i just thought eveyone reading this blog should know :)
Oh and BTW thats Dino mac and cheese if you couldnt tell.

Senior Year

So this year im a senior in high school and now is the time to decide which college im going to, how im going to pay for it, and then of course prom and graduation. going to college is the next big step in life. I'll be responsible for myself and no body else is gonna hound me to get things taken care of. But prom and graduation those are exciting or are supposed to be. I bought my dress a few monthes ago and i absolutly love it so i figured the hard part was over, i was wrong. the hardest part was convoncing my mother that i will spend prom the way I want to not how she wants me to. she's been trying to plan my prom night since the first day of school. it's so annoying. she wanted me to take a limo to prom but i opted not to because that would have been more expensive, so now she wants to drive me. when she first said it I laughed and asked her if she was on drugs because she should know that i would never ever let her drive me to prom. Her reasoning behind her driving me to prom is that it's cheap and she will know I'm safe. I tell her now four times a week and she still won't get the point. Also she expects me to be able to drive to pick up my grandfather from the airport the next day after i finish graduation rehearsal instead of hanging out with my friends. Don't get me wrong i love my grandfather but i'd rather hang out than drive to the airport and wait for them. my mom has also planned a huge party for the day before graduation even though i told her i did not want any parties. so now every person i've ever met is invited to come over to my house to eat and congradulate me on graduating High School. i always thought that my senior year should be fun and relaxing but it's really just a big pain in the butt. :p


Hi my name is Emily and this is my amazingly awsome blog. im obsessed with food and Mac and Cheese happens to be my favorite. If I had to choose one food to live off of for the rest of my life i would choose mac and cheese or french fries. Either or they're both amazing. Hope you enjoy :D