Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Grrrrr this picture refuses to get any bigger than it is. i know you as the reader probally has no idea what it is so i'll tell you it's Blues Clues mac and cheese. The coolest part about this mac and cheese is that the paw print shapes are blue. Whenever i think about shows like Blues Clues i always think about my little cousin Aiden. He is the cutest kid in the world. Aiden turned two in Febuary so he's at a fun age. He follows me around and hold my hand and calls me "Emawee". Aiden is really funny and when someone else gets a cut or falls down he cries and demands that the peron gets a boo boo bunny. those of you who do not know what a boo boo bunny is it's a towel shaped like a bunny with a pocket to put an ice cube. Aiden is soo cute,and now i miss him. :(

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