Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hot Water Heater

So this morning when I walked down to my kitchen to have a nice peaceful breakfast when I discovered that everything was wet. Condensation covered the windows the doors and the ceiling. My dad and I figured it was just because it was warmer inside than out. However when he went downstairs to feed the cat he realized that everything downstairs was under an inch of water. As he investigated the basement looking for the cause of the leak he saw that somehow in the middle of the night the hot water heater had exploded. This leak was made worse when my mom took a shower this morning because the leak turned into a sprinkeler wetting not only the floor but everything around the heater. Unfortunatly this discovery was found at 6:45 and so i only had 15 minutes to get ready for school and my parents not realizing this had me running around the house looking for random objects that they needed. So as i frantically searched for my fathers old cell phone and the upstair phone i was shoving french toast sticks in my mouth. So much for a quiet peaceful morning. :(

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